Saturday, March 18, 2023

3 Litters, 21 Babies

UPDATE: All these babies have found their new homes!

These baby rats will be weaned and ready to go to their new homes on Wednesday, March 22nd. They're held and played with every day and will make wonderful pets. Rats are social and do best in groups of two or more, so please consider taking a pair in order to avoid a solitary pet rat. 

Standard Rats - $5
Dumbo Rats - $10
Dwarf Rats - $20

 Email me to reserve your new pets! 

(Parents: Thimble and Hobbes, Zipper and Hobbes, Button and Scooch)

HOME! Cezanne is reserved for Sammi!
HOME! Curie is reserved for Sammi!
HOME! Dali is reserved for Sammi!
HOME! Degas is reserved for Laurel!
HOME! Freida is reserved for Sammi!
HOME! Goodall is reserved for Destiney!
HOME! Hubble is reserved for Ada!
HOME! Kepler is reserved for Micheala!
HOME! Klimt is reserved for Laurel!

HOME! Monet is reserved for Destiney!
HOME! Munch is reserved for Laurel!

HOME! Archimedes is reserved for Katie!
HOME! Copernicus is reserved for Emily J!
HOME! Donatello is reserved for Katie!

HOME! Galileo is reserved for Katie!

HOME! Pascal is reserved for Katie!

These two dwarf babies will be ready to go to their new homes by March 27th. 

HOME! Hawking is reserved for Sammi!